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Bonjour et bienvenue à l'Organisation des Nations Unies, où nous sommes réunis pour une occasion importante.
Nous apprécions vivement votre participation, et comptons sur votre soutien généreux.
Nous sommes ici par solidarité avec Haïti et les Haïtiens, peuple résistant et courageux , qui a tant souffert et mérite aujourd'hui notre aide.
Le Président Préval appelle à juste titre ce moment critique un « rendez-vous avec l'histoire ».
C'est le moment où nous nous rejoignons sous la bannière d'un pacte mondial pour la construction d'un nouvel Haïti, un Haïti transformé.
For weeks, experts have been assessing the needs and costs of the January 12 disaster.
In tandem, President Préval, Prime Minister Bellerive and their government have worked out the blueprint for a national strategic plan, a plan to guide Haiti's recovery and reconstruction.
He will present that vision in a moment.
And I am sure you will agree that it deserves our full and generous support.
As a plan for action, it is concrete, specific and, above all, ambitious.
Our goal is not just to rebuild. It is to “build back better.”
Again to quote the President, it is a plan to create a “new Haiti.”
A Haiti where the majority of people no longer live in deep poverty, where they can go to school and enjoy better health , where they have better options than going without jobs or leaving the country altogether.
Under this plan, a new Interim Haiti Recovery Commission will channel $3.9 billion into specific programmes and projects during the next 18 months. Over the next ten years, Haiti's reconstruction needs will total an estimated $11.5 billion.
Clearly, this assistance must be well-invested and well-coordinated.
In parallel with reconstruction, it must provide for continuing emergency relief: food, sanitation, health care and, most urgently at this moment, shelter.
You are all aware how difficult the situation is right now. The rainy season is fast approaching. Some camps for displaced persons are at risk of flooding. Health and sanitation issues are growing more serious.
We are also very concerned about the security situation in some of the camps, especially for women and children.
I therefore appeal for further support for the Revised Humanitarian Appeal for $1.4 billion, currently only 50 percent funded.
As we move from emergency aid to long-term reconstruction, let us recognize that we cannot accept business as usual.
What we envision, today, is wholesale national renewal, a sweeping exercise in nation-building on a scale and scope not seen in generations.
In partnership with the United Nations, Haiti's leaders are committing to a new social contract with the people.
Mesdames et Messieurs, Excellences,
Cela suppose un gouvernement pleinement démocratique;
Des politiques économiques et sociales de lutte contre l'extrême pauvreté, et contre les disparités de richesse profondément enracinées, un pouvoir judiciaire indépendant et une société civile vigilante qui garantissent l'universalité des droits de l'homme;
Des programmes qui permettent aux femmes d'assumer pleinement leurs rôles de chefs de famille, de dirigeantes d'entreprise, de décideuses.
Ce nouveau partenariat repose sur les principes de la bonne gouvernance, de la transparence, de la responsabilité mutuelle.
De la responsabilité entre gouvernants et gouvernés, entre secteurs privé et public, entre Haïti et la communauté internationale.
It requires fresh approaches to old problems.
Among them: investments that create jobs, modeled on the UN's own cash-for-work programmes, as well as incentives for people to relocate from Port au Prince to cities and villages elsewhere in the country.
Today, you will rise in solidarity with Haiti.
By the end of this day, I am confident we will truly have helped Haiti along the road to a new and better future.
Thank you.
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