mercredi 8 septembre 2010

No rest on Labor Day for Key Chamber president on Haiti mission

Back to Haiti with IBC charter plane - photo courtesy of Michele Estevez

Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce president, Michele Estevez, is spending Labor Day weekend in Haiti meeting local authorities to coordinate and assist in housing for 5,000 families relocated after the Jan 12 earthquake.
Accompanied by Lesa Blackman, the trip also involves delivering school supplies, uniforms and toys collected on the key.
"We have visited a orphanage of 450 children, brought them clothing, toys, medicine and food," she writes by SMS text. She is also visiting a clinic and attending the inauguration or a playground equipped by donations by Cristoforo Pinata, owner of Puntino Restaurant, and constructed by a United Nations battalion.
Michele reports that her previous battles with Haitian Customs have brought results. On this occasion she got through Customs in only three hours and paid only $40 to have everything released.
The only negative from her trip so far. "It's so hot! Worse than ever," she says.
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