lundi 14 octobre 2013


Haiti’s Imported Disaster
Published: October 12, 2013
Haiti’s cholera epidemic, now entering its fourth year, has killed more than 8,300 people and sickened more than 650,000. It is a calamity, though one fundamentally different from the earthquake, hurricanes and floods that have beset the fragile country since 2010.
It is, instead, a man-made disaster, advocates for Haitian victims contend, asserting the epidemic is a direct result of the negligence of United Nations peacekeepers who failed to keep their contaminated sewage out of a river from which thousands of Haitians drink.

New hope for Haiti from for-profit firms
Companies and programs geared to create jobs
By Deborah M. Todd / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- At teeming intersections packed with airport traffic, armed U.N. peacekeepers double as traffic cops. In tent cities, Red Cross Humvees serve as food trucks, mobile medical centers or impromptu peacekeepers. The collapsed Haitian presidential palace remains a barren reminder of a capital city annihilated in an earthquake followed by a hurricane, even as International Red Cross and American Embassy headquarters take up entire city blocks and provide reminders of who exactly is laying the foundations for Haiti's recovery.
Life here is finally taking a gradual turn toward normalcy as shuttered schools reopen and a deadly cholera outbreak slowly fades. Yet for all of the hard-fought victories meant to restore the nation, many citizens feel separated from what's been done on their behalf without their input. But a movement to pass the baton to the Haitian people is gaining steam -- within a reconstruction effort spearheaded and executed by foreign nonprofit stakeholders.
The UN owes Haiti 
World body must take responsibility for a horrific cholera outbreak
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2013, 4:05 AM
The United Nations’ callous and chronic refusal to own up to its responsibility for inadvertently importing a cholera epidemic to one of the world’s most impoverished nations may finally come back to bite it.
In federal court in New York last week, human rights lawyers filed a class-action suit against the UN for damage done. We wish them and their suffering clients swift success.
The disease’s introduction to the Haitian half of Hispaniola began with the best intentions.
After an awful earthquake rocked the nation in January 2010, relief workers and peacekeepers descended. Those included much-needed UN staffers whose last stop had been Nepal.
Nepal is a place where cholera infections had recently surged; Haiti is a place with no reported cases for a century.
The staffers were stationed near a tributary of a river — and they discharged sewage into that river. With almost absolute certainty, this is what introduced the deadly bacteria into the waters of Haiti, and the bodies of the Haitian people.

How Canada tried – and failed – to help Haiti’s Aristide return to power
Rick MacInnes-Rae looks back at Canada’s first real intervention in Haitian politics, 22 years ago
By Rick MacInnes-Rae, CBC News Posted: Oct 11, 2013 7:35 PM ET Last Updated: Oct 14, 2013 5:27 AM ET
Twenty-two years ago this month, Canada went to bat for a fiery Haitian priest whose campaign of class warfare won him the presidency, until the military took it away. 
Despite its age, the anniversary of the coup in Haiti that ousted Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1991 still has the power to draw angry supporters into the streets of the capital, Port-au-Prince, where police have recently been called in to break up pro-Aristide demonstrations.
In October 1991, Canada was quick to provide a plane to ferry then secretary of state for external affairs, Barbara McDougall, and a delegation of Caribbean foreign ministers with a representative of the Organization of American States (OAS) to Haiti to attempt to negotiate Aristide’s return to power.
It would turn out to be an object lesson in the “limits of diplomacy,” as McDougall recently told me. 
“Who liked Aristide? Nobody,” she says. “He was a man of the street. He’d made himself into a bit of a demi-god. He had certainly done some evil things, but he had won the election fair and square.”
For that reason, Canada threw in its lot with Aristide.
Championed poor, criticized Duvaliers
A Salesian priest, “Titid” (as he’s known) rose to power championing the poor and a liberation theology his critics viewed as Marxist. His criticism of the ruling Duvalier dictatorships proved so corrosive, the Catholic Church exiled him to Montreal to cool off for three years. It was a pattern he would come to know well. 

Education reform needed to lift Haiti out of disaster
By Cillan Donnelly
14/10/2013 - 11:32am

 Education reform in Haiti is needed if the country's youth are to flourish in the difficult post-earthquake reconstruction period.
However, despite the government making education one of its key priorities, the state “simply has no more money” to improve the situation further, one resident, who wished only to be identified by the name Hermine, told New Europe.
“Two years later, we are still rebuilding,” she says, referring to the January 2010 earthquake that devastated the country. “It is still a work in progress.”
Her comments come at the beginning of European Week of Action for Girls, which is calling on the EU to ensure that girls are visible in policies and programming, including development and emergency response.
“The economic system collapsed, which has an impact on the education system, by making if difficult to bring children to school, to pay for things like books,” continues Hermine.
In addition, she says, many families can not afford adequate food, meaning that many children go to school without first eating. Earthquake damage has also meant that in many cases, school canteens are no longer functioning.

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