vendredi 20 février 2009

The essence of the Haitian News of February 20

Nomination of two new presidential commissions: The constitutional and legal reform on the agenda. It President Rene Préval is caught some with the constitution of 1987, but indirectly defends himself to want to impose another fundamental charter. President Rene Préval proceeded Thursday to the installation of two new working groups respectively charged to produce recommendations relating to the constitutional reform and the improvement of the legal system. …
Famous French journalist Patrick Poivre-D' Arvor in Haiti… With his brother Olivier, it comes to turn documentary on the Haitian literature in all his diversity the French journalist high-speed motorboat and writer Patrick Pepper-D' Arvor and his/her Olivier brother, old high responsible for the French cultural policy, accomplishes a one week stay in Haiti devoted to the realization of documentary on multiple dimensions of the Haitian arts person. …
The Haitian situation with the menu of the meeting between Barack Obama and Michaëlle Jean .The Haitian situation with the menu of the meeting Obama Jean the Haitian economic situation was evoked at the time of the meeting between American president Barack Obama and the general gouverneure Michaëlle Jean… …
Préval more than ever decide to modify the constitution… the Head of the Haitian State, Rene Préval, reached yesterday Thursday a new stage in its project of reform of the constitution. With the entry according to the Members of the presidential Commission on the reform of constitutional, president Préval starts the last straight line before the legislative procedure. …
Michele Pierre Louis does not want to interfere on the prerogatives of the CEP… 48 hours after the final exclusion of Fanmi Lavalas of the electoral race, the Prime Minister Michele Pierre Louis reiterated his determination to keep his distances with respect to the e
lectoral fever.

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