lundi 18 août 2014


La sélection haïtienne des moins de 15 ans finissent vice-championne du premier tournoi organise par la CONCACAF dans cette catégorie après avoir perdu à al séance de tirs au but face à la sélection Canadienne.

Les filles haïtiennes ont réalisé un tournoi impeccable jusqu’à cette défaite lors de cette séance redoutée par plusieurs joueurs. Les grenadières en herbe avaient pourtant débuté de la meilleure des façons la finale en inscrivant un but à la 37 ème minute par Nerilia Mondésir, co-meilleur buteuse du tournoi avec six annotations.
Les haïtiennes se feront rejoindre à la minute 64 par Sarah Stratigakis.

Les canadiennes se ruèrent à l’attaque pour arracher la victoire mais la gardienne haïtienne Magdala Macéan, réalisa des arrêts de grande classe sur des tirs de joueuse Anyssa Ibrahim et Lauren Raimondo. Les canadiennes manqueront de réussite après avoir heurté le montant et la barre transversale sur deux occasions franches.

Le match s’est donc achevé sur un score de parité, un but partout à la fin des 70 minutes réglementaire.
A noter que les protagonistes de cette première finale les deux équipes se retrouvant dans le groupe D, avaient eu du mal à se départager et avaient terminé leur confrontation sur le même score.

Les haïtiennes ont flanché pendant les tirs au but dominé par les canadiennes et surtout par leur gardienne de but qui en arrêta deux. La séance s’est arrêtée après quatre tirs largement remporté par les canadiennes 4-1.
Les haïtiennes terminent le championnat sans avoir perdu un match après avoir battu Cuba, Porto-Rico, la Jamaïque et le Honduras.

Les haïtiens et les fans de foot en général souhaiteraient que cette belle performance de l’équipe haïtienne représente l’élan, et soit utilisée comme base pour travailler pour le retour du football féminin haïtien au niveau de l’élite mondiale.
Decky Lakyel


GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands -- Canada won the inaugural CONCACAF Girls’ Under-15 Championship on Sunday night, outlasting Haiti 4-1 on penalty after their final ended 1-1 at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex.
The evenly matched sides, both of which officially completed the competition with undefeated records, played to the same scoreline in the last Group D game on August 11.
Haiti took a 1-0 lead in the 37th minute, when Nerilia Mondesir poached the ball from the Canadian defense and thundered it home. It was the 15-year-old forward’s sixth goal of the tournament, giving her a share of the Golden Boot award with Chelsea Green of the Cayman Islands.
Sarah Stratigakis netted the equalizer in the 64th minute, heading Shana Flynn’s cross past Haiti goalkeeper Magdala Macean.
Canada pressed for the winner, but Macean thwarted Anyssa Ibrahim and Lauren Raimondo, while Nahida Baalbaki struck the post from a free kick and Mya Jones hit the top of the crossbar from a speculative long-range effort.
Lysianne Proulx saved two penalties in the shootout.

Park Slope breast-feeding boutique Boing Boing set to close as owner heads to Haiti

Boing Boing owner Karen Paperno, 48, is shutting down her shop and heading to Haiti to help out new moms who are struggling more than stroller pushers in the pricey neighborhood.
Gone, baby, gone. The owner of a popular Park Slope breast-feeding boutique is shutting down and heading to Haiti to help out new moms who are struggling more than stroller pushers in the pricey neighborhood.
“Park Slope has a lot of resources,” said Boing Boing owner Karen Paperno, 48. “I wanted to go somewhere that didn’t have any resources.”
The shop has been selling breastfeeding accessories and fitting mothers for nursing bras at the corner of 6th Ave. and Union St. since 1996.
In those 18 years, Paperno said she’s seen Park Slope morph into one of the most-expensive, baby-loving neighborhoods in the city.
“In ‘96 there wasn’t anything, and my work made sense,” she said, noting the recent influx of child-centric stores catering to Brooklyn’s affluent new parents. “They don’t need me.”
Paperno considered throwing in the towel in December 2013, when she penned a scathing essay in the Huffington Post, laying bare her frustration with yuppie moms. The freeloaders, she fumed, kept seeking advice on trivial concerns while a cash-strapped Paperno considered shoplifting a necklace for her own daughter.
“Now parents come in after buying their carriers online and expect me to show them how to use it,” she wrote. “After all, that’s what I do, right?”
She expected vitriol for speaking out, but she was instead rewarded with donations and kind words from dozens of customers and perfect strangers.
“It inspired me to keep going,” she said.
It worked for eight months, Paperno said, but she couldn’t shake the feeling she could be more useful elsewhere.
She jumped on an opportunity with Rockin’ Baby Sling — a company that donates slings to mothers in need — to go to Haiti in October.
She plans to shutter the shop at the end of September and has begun raising money through an online Indiegogo campaign to fund her $8,000 trip.
The business is temporarily closed while Paperno drops off her daughter at college in California. She’ll return Aug. 20 to sell off her stock and bid her customers farewell.
“It’s only just beginning to hit me,” Paperno said. “I’m excited. I’m a little nervous. It’ll be huge, and I’ll be crying.”